Wednesday, January 28, 2015

EbM Elite Box Mods design 01

Welcome to EbM Elite Box Mods!

This blog spot is a compilation of our wooden box Iron wood "Kamagong" designs and anything we find interesting regarding vaping industries, news, etc..

Let me introduce our first design that ignited our creative side in making EBM Box Mods. The hardest part about this new beginning is caused by using a type of wood that is called iron wood from the Phillippines. We call it the "Kamagong" this wood is the toughest wood on earth and a bit sensitive to temperature changes. 

A lot of wooden box mods design are derived from knife handles. The reasoning behind this is to make sure that it fits comfortably on your hand. Although, the application is different from vaping, we feel that if it's easy to hold, the more likely you will use your mechanical box mod "The function".

EBM 01 was created with this in mind, simple design, classic looking, and easy to hold with your hand. We believe that we have achieved it with this design. 

Design: EBM "Elite Box Mods" 01

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