Thursday, February 19, 2015

EbM Elite Box Mods Love & Hate relationship with iron wood..

We all have our favorite mod and we baby them as much as we can but sometimes things just happen. Today it happened to me... One of my favorite mod have a small crack  by the button. It didn't affect the overall performance of it.. It works fine.. However, I'm just disappointed that I didn't have control of what just happened. This is my hate when it comes to wooden box mods but at same time, it is also part of my love for it. I like having something unique to its own and can't be replicated by anyone or anything. The best way to describe my feeling towards my mod is like wearing my old comfy shirt. Its not great looking, it doesn't look my best, and yet it always finds its way back in the closet. A friend told me, it's just part of having its own character.. Just enjoy it!! 

Well, I don't think I can let nature take its course without me fighting it.. lol

Here's my fix...

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