Wednesday, February 11, 2015

EbM Elite Box Mods Warranty & Maintenance Guidline

EBM Box Mods

All Elite Box Mods comes with a 30 day warranty from date of purchase and must provide original receipt of transaction from a valid retail store. 

*** Warranties are voided if you do not follow the routine maintenance and guideline below. ***

Routine maintenance for your Elite Box Mods.

* Use wood polishing oil or wax from a hardware store such as renaissance wax, lemon oil, and orange oil then put a small amount on a Microfiber cloth then wipe your MOD clean (do not soak it with lemon or orange oil just wipe it clean... Do this at least once a month or as needed to avoid small hair line wood cracks)

* Do not let the wood get soaked in any liquid (including E-Juice)

* Do not leave it in direct sunlight or snow (always keep in room temperature 24/7 to avoid any wood movement or cracking)

* When attaching your atomizer carefully adjust the pin and avoid forcing it down. Once you force the pin down without proper adjustment it will stay down moving forward. 

* Do not disassemble any parts including the button for it will void your warranty.  
(when you feel that button is a little loose press it down and turn clockwise otherwise leave it alone)

Please store all EbM Elite Box Mods in a temperature controlled environment. Even though the boxes are varnished they are still susceptible to wood movement and cracking if not followed.


All wooden EBM box mods will be unique and no two boxes will be identical. Because it’s made of wood, there may be some imperfections.

Resistance limit : These are unregulated mechanical boxes. The recommended resistance for your atomizer is 0.20 Ohm and above.

Always use batteries in pairs - same brand, mAh, and amp limit

These are high-end iron wood “kamagong” box mods that are also a powerful device maximizing voltage to the atomizer. Due care and attention must be followed when using this device. This is for experienced vapers who understand the dangers of mechanical vape.


  1. With the price of the Mandala, and the Modesta, I think a lifetime warranty should be a must. #GetOnHexohmTugLyfeAnd252sLevel

  2. I have an EBM no. 3. Worked great for 2 months. The cover for all the internals was already unglued when I bought it. I barely cared. I got to see how it worked (while it still did). It's so fragile. I have so many things to say about this design. The firing button touches a floating ribbon of copper that bends until it doesn't fire. The positive piece of the 510 is connected to a c-shaped ribbon. The only thing holding it inside the negative is super glue. That's why you can't screw it in too tightly. The entire thing comes unglued and stops making contact. The slab of wood holding the postives for the batteries was super glued in crooked so the batteries have to be in the exact right spot to function. Even a 90 tumble from leaning on something to carpet moves the batteries. There are 2 weak spots on the top where the hole was drilled for the deck. It's about an 1/8 of an inch away from each side. Say hello Splitsville. I paid $150 for shop class trash. Don't make the same mistake. And theres no warranty left because it's only 30 days. Shows a huge lack of confidence in the product.
